Category archives: destination weddings


A busy summer it has been, with weddings and shoots aplenty. Happy memories I have captured, to the sum of eight and twenty. Autumn is here and the sun is now shy, the leaves slowly litter the ground, so I’m packing my case and off we will fly, for we are Bali bound…

I am so excited to be photographing a gorgeous outdoor wedding in Bali next weekend! If you need me, I’ll be back on October 16th and if you’d like to see what I’m up to the interim, you can have a behind-the-scenes look over on Instagram.

Thank you as ever to UK Film Lab for the beautiful scan, from an amazing wedding at the Tiara Miramar hotel on the beautiful Cote d’Azur, earlier this month.  There’s plenty more where this has come from, just as soon as I get chance to catch up on the blog. This year has been even busier than I expected but I’m really not complaining when it’s all looked like this!


On a calm summer’s day in August, when the sun shone warm on my skin, I travelled with cameras to Chateau Martinet and here is where this story begins. An elegant couple in love with each other, their guests cool and dressed to the nines, take seats in the shade and applaud with delight as these two wed under French pines. Champagne was served and kisses exchanged, well wishes and hugs were poured out and I had a beautiful, brilliant day, of that there was never a doubt…

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The middle of the year is always the best, bare legs with picnics on the heath for a rest. A trip to Tuscany to spend time with these two, as they wed at an altar with a beautiful view. Two more pretty weddings, so much light and good cheer and the sun setting late at this time of year. Twelve months more marriage tucked under our belt, we wrap presents, write cards to pen things that we’ve felt. Sometimes we party with our family and friends or travel to an island where the sea never ends. This year we did both and we found a new home, London bricks & mortar to call our very own. A jubiliant June it really has been, an excellent first half of my twenty fourteen.

Straight scan by UK Film Lab. They’re really very good.