I fell a little bit in love with Philippa & James, during our engagement session in the summertime. Philippa is stylish and poised and has the coolest wry smile that I absolutely loved photographing, so I was certain that their Cotswolds wedding in July was going to be a treat.
I am very lucky to be able to photograph weddings such as these. Sweet, intimate and so full of love and smiles. It also happened to be in Zürich, a city I had not visited until July. I think I’m in love with Switzerland.
Getting ready together, they were both the picture of calm…
…with a little edge of excitement.
Swiss civil ceremonies last just fifteen minutes, even when in French and English, which leaves plenty of time for tea and sightseeing on vintage trams…
There is something so special about grandparents. This lady reminded me of my own grandma and squeezed my hand and beamed when she caught my eye. She also had the cutest granddaughter who was not in the least bit fatigued by the blazing sunshine.
Thanh has a passion for all things culinary and gave everyone tiny kitchen utensils as gifts.
Isn’t she just the sweetest little thing?
After our trip to Switzerland, we’ve decided that one day we’ll move to Zürich and have lunch by the lake on Sundays with our new friends Thanh & Yvan. It’s a truly beautiful place; fresh and clean and content.
I still have a lot of editing to catch up on and a few more weddings and portraits to do before the year is out. I’m quite sad to see the autumn leaves on the ground but glad to have time to catch up on things through winter. It’s been a year of big changes, exciting challenges and huge rewards, but there’s a little more on all of that later.
the entire family adores him.
Thank you Sanch & Rich for a beautiful time in Cape Town. I love you both.