One cool, cloudy day in September, Alana & Anthony were wed. I boarded a flight for their wedding in France, it was going to be rad, they had said. For an intimate outdoor wedding, from Australia they all flew, she beamed and she laughed and she didn’t stop smiling and Anthony was pretty chuffed too.
On a calm afternoon in Paris you can walk along for miles, you can stroll past the sights, you can stop for a while. We sauntered and we chatted, that afternoon in May, I edged them into nice light and at the end of the day, I waved them goodbye and wished them bonne chance, au revoir for a week… til their wedding in Provence.
Sometimes when life gets busy, it’s easy to forget, the people and the places, the dusks and the sunsets. Those days through the year when you felt your heart beat, huge smiles from new people you were quite lucky to meet. Be still for a moment, just sit and recall, reflect on the absolute beauty of it all. Life is quite frantic and at times it’s quite sad, but these are the memories that make our souls glad.
This year I’ve been invited on a number of days, with camera in hand and finger ablaze, to witness small fragments of love and sheer bliss, a sum of thirty-eight weddings and they looked a lot like this…
Last month I photographed a total of seven incredible weddings. I travelled back and forth to France for five of them,and I also got the chance to photograph two beautiful British weddings back home, on those rare few days of sunshine… It’s been a really busy month, so it’s been hard keeping up with blogging as well as shooting and editing, meetings and emails, but here’s a little look at what we’ve been doing.