Tags archives: Weddings


A wedding in September, in a field beneath a tree, a couple stands amongst their friends, and vow into the breeze. To love one another and to cherish, to have and to hold forever tight, the band sings stay with me, I’ll stay with you, and we’re warmed by the sunlight.

A more perfect day I could never have dreamt, so I framed these memories, of that late summer day, of Matt and of Jess, and their glorious, humanist ceremony.

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Two teenage sweethearts fall in love, at fifteen they share their first kiss. They promise to be together forever and pledge to stay true to this. Fast forward ten years, a ring she now wears, a wedding at Sheldon Manor they plan. On the twenty-third of June, another kiss is had and a lady makes a husband of her man. It rains and it showers and umbrellas are opened, as are the hearts of these two. We smile and we swoon because we’re all pretty privileged, to witness Clare & Rich say that they do…

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