Category archives: personal


It’s taken me quite some time to pull this post together. I’ve had mixed emotions about sharing something so personal belonging to my clients, but they asked me to when they saw them and I feel like sharing something different today.

I had never really thought so much about photographing a birth until I was asked by my two beautiful friends. I was worried I would be in the way, that their memories would be of me and my camera and not of the birth of their first child and also selfishly, that it might put me off having my own children… I wasn’t, they aren’t and it didn’t.

I was the first person to ever take a photograph of this human being. Hello, Elijah.

I know he can’t really see but at four minutes old, he looked straight at me.

Kristina, you have never been more beautiful than you were on 21st January at 7.09am. You know that I am in total awe of you both and that I’m so grateful to have been asked to be there with you, camera in hand. You are simply incredible, made of the most inspiring things and I love you very much.

I’m away this week for a couple of days, spending time with my ma and sister. It’s times like these that reaffirm just how special a family is.