Tags archives: Rock n Roll Bride


I had both the lovely Emily at Once Wed and the incredibly cool Kat at RockNRollBride both write beautiful features on my most recent wedding. I will admit that I thought this would be a popular one when I spoke to Ella about Sam’s suit and pried some details from her about that dress. I didn’t know though, that she was going to look as amazing as she did, nor that there would be a surprise song during the wedding…
It’s always excellent when I have my work featured, but to have a double post between the US and the UK was really exciting. I know a lot of my ideal brides look to Once Wed for inspiration, as do I as a photographer, so it’s been great to organise meets with a whole new audience. I have an exceptionally busy next few weeks on my hands!
If you missed Ella & Sam’s posts online, you can still catch up with Once Wed and RockNRoll Bride too.
Thank you both, for your beautiful posts.